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Sometimes we find that 

 it really isn’t even necessary to know how or why we feel out of balance.   And simply by applying the appropriate technique or modality, be it through body or energy work, or plant medicine, we are able to transcend from that uncomfortable space to a more positive one. 



Reflecting back, I can see that my path leading into the Alternative healing world was something that seemed to just happen naturally.  As early as grade school, I can remember being the “ear” that friends would come to when they needed a sounding board for any particular issue they were struggling with.  While in my early 20’s, I was fortunate to have been taken into a counsel of wise women, whom I still meet with weekly, for mutual support and nurturing for each other’s well being through alternative and spiritual pursuits.   It was here with these generous elders, that I was started on my Reiki Journey and introduced to several teachers whom I would become certified with for many of the modalities I offer.


It was also here that I was given the opportunity to hone the craft of “holding the space”.  A safe and contemplative space free from judgment, where one is given the undivided attention to check in and receive the clarity already inherent within themselves, for their own answers.  Sometimes, we just need to be prompted with the right questions to get at those truths that are unique to each individual. 


My particular passion is to work with others who are traveling or just stepping onto the metaphysical path and looking to experience and incorporate new skills and tools to be uplifted.This is the number one reason I feel so honored to hold this healing space here in the Sedona area. Working in co-operation with the energy of this sacred land, where millions make their healing pilgrimage each year, to connect with their spiritual nature, and be transformed by gaining healthier perspectives of the challenges that they have previously come through.  And most importantly, to replenish their own cups with the vitality and well-being of the Light, recharged and ready to live their highest purpose with confidence and enthusiasm for creating their best life.


I can only express the utmost gratitude for having been entrusted to be a part of so many’s journey back to health and wholeness, and allowing me to be your facilitator and witness to the re-integration of your authentic selves standing in your power.      

Aho, Mitakuye Oyasin,

Rev. Julie Marttila LMT

Licensed Massage Therapist | Arizona MT 17176  

Board Certified NCBTMB National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork

Reiki Master | Usui Tibetan Karuna® Holy Fire II Systems


Certified Bowen Therapy International

Certified Bach Flower Practitioner


Ordained Minister | The Alliance of Divine Love, Inc.

Level III EFT Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques 

Bachelor of Arts Psychology

Member | Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals

Member Sound Healer's Association 

Credentials and Certifications

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