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Logo Symbolism

Sometimes I am asked about the symbolism of the logo for 'Holistic Healing Sedona', which is a creative collaboration between myself and Graphic Marketing Extraordinaire Alice Bronstein.  


While on my daily moving meditations along the creeks and rivers with my beloved four-legged fur babies, I communicate with Creator through the appearance of totem animals and the prints they leave behind.  As such, coming upon specific feathers is a most auspicious message that my channel with Spirit is clear.  Therefore, the symbolism of the Feather attached to the hand represents healing frequencies of the Divine Source working through me as a conduit while my hands are connecting to clients in treatments. The color represents the Turquoise Ray of Healing through the ability to harness Universal Consciousness and the integration of these teachings.


I feel especially blessed to share the medicine of the plant kingdom through Flower Essences which lend their service to humanity by evening out emotional disturbances.  So, the flower springing up from my hand represents the magnificent gifts these beloved friends offer to us.  The flower petals are pink, representing the Pink Ray of Healing through the Divine Unity of Love, Compassion, and Empathy.  Also, there are eight flower petals. The symmetrical shape of 8, the infinity symbol, imbues the continual blessings from celestial guardians, and the awakening of intuition of one's Inner Power.  We must rely on this intuition as we navigate between the duality of this world, represented by the two leaves.  And throughout this polarity, we are also reminded by the green color of the stem and leaves that the Divine Flows from the chamber of the heart, the dwelling place where Creator lives within each of us.  The Yin/Yang symbol in the center disk shows the balance each flower is able to bring as we respond to life's situations and challenges.  It is colored purple for the Violet Flame and the process of Transmuting lower vibrations of fear, confusion, and procrastination to higher frequencies of Confidence, Clarity and Motivation.


As a Lightworker offering energy and bodywork as well as Spiritual counseling, I do not work alone.  I am merely the facilitator creating a Safe and Sacred Space, and I rely on Spirit/God/Creator/ Source of All That Is to deliver healing according to the level clients are ready to receive.  So, for me. this Logo pretty much sums that up visually, for as it's been said, "A picture is worth a thousand words." 

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