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I believe in creating a

safe and sacred space that allows Divine force to renew your spirit, heal your body, mend your mind and release emotional blocks. 




As a Licensed Massage Therapist in Arizona, as well as Board Certified through the NCTMB, Julie addresses physical discomforts including whiplash, sciatica, frozen shoulder, muscle tension, and headaches with an array of massage techniques.  Her skills range from relaxation, deep tissue, trigger point, passive and active stretching, myofacial work, positional release, reflexology, and cupping. 


As a certified Bowen Therapist, Julie offers sessions with a series of gentle moves to help muscle and connective tissue to unwind and realign into their proper structural positions.  This subtle work often has dramatic noticeable results which balance and open energetic flow allowing for the body to heal itself.


For an even more subtle and gentle form of healing, Julie offers Reiki.  This form of energy work is directed and pulled in by the clients own body regarding as to where and how much of this healing energy is needed to eradicate physical pain, dislodge and release emotional disturbances, and promote well being by boosting the clients natural healing system from within.


With a background in psychology, Julie also offers hypnotherapy as a format to re-ignite motivation for those seeking assistance for taking off extra weight or to let go of habits such as smoking. Many choose Past life Regression sessions to understand where specific phobias or challenges may stem from as well as to locate past connections to particular people that my have shaped current dynamics with those around them today. 


To break away from long standing emotional attachments and move forward to a more peaceful state of balance, then Julie offers EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique.  Through this system of guided "tapping" on specific acupressure points around the face and torso, a negative emotion is literally "tapped" out of the body making room for a more positive perspective and viewpoint to enter. 


EFT is one of the quickest ways to sound emotional health, capable of calming a panic attack in virtually minutes or overcoming long harbored emotional wounds needing an outlet to be released.


Many of Julie's clients opt to begin their sessions spending a few minutes getting their energy systems aligned through chakra balancing.  To do this, Julie places a series of crystals on and around the body to clear and cleanse the emotional, mental, and spiritual layers.   To further enhance the vibrational healing frequencies of the crystals, various elements of sound therapy are incorporated, including tuning forks and Tibetan Bowls, to harmonize with the natural energetic rhythms into harmony. 


In addition to learning how to do the EFT which you can use anywhere and anytime you need to on your own, Julie also educates on the benefits of Bach Flower Essences and Living Flower Essences.  Able to assist you to identify which remedy would best balance your current emotional state, she helps you customized your own unique blend to take home so that you can continue your healing journey.



Massage $100

Bowen Treatment $100

Reiki-Crystal-Sound-Energy $100


Massage $150

Massage and Energy $150

Hypnotherapy $150

EFT and Flower Essences $150


Bowen Therapy is a bodywork treatment consisting of a series of classic “moves” which apply pressure to specific muscle and tendon sites.  These subtle moves send a signal to the brain which then initiates the unwinding of tense muscles.  A domino effect begins as other muscles in the area release and the structure of the body realigns to proper form.  Bowen therapy is a very gentle treatment with profound effects under the philosophy that less is more.




 A typical session lasts 60 minutes, with a client lying unclothed and draped under a sheet.  After performing approximately  1 to 8 moves, the therapist steps out of the room leaving the client’s energy field.   This allows the brain to focus entirely on the physical messages the body just received.  The therapist returns in 2 to 5 minutes depending on the area worked, to perform another series of moves relating to the therapeutic needs of the client.  The therapist shall always leave the energy field for 2-5 minutes after each series of Bowen moves.  It is important not to mix any other modality with Bowen therapy for 7 days after the treatment, as signals from other body treatments such as massage, acupuncture, heat or ice packs may redirect or cancel out the Bowen therapy messages. 




“Rei” is Divine Intelligence, combined with “Ki”, Universal Life force energy  and  therefore, “Divinely guided life force energy”.  This unlimited life force supply is all around us, especially present in abundance in natural surroundings.  Just as music carried on every radio station is always present around you, yet you do not hear the songs until you utilize an instrument such as a radio to take in a specific wavelength for that certain channel, Reiki healing energy waves are around us all the time.  A Reiki practitioner has been attuned like an instrument, much like a radio, capable of taking in specific healing waves which come out our hands, much like music waves come out of speakers. However, it is not so much that the practitioner is “giving” the Reiki healing waves, as it is that the client’s body registers that it has this opportunity to harness them through the practitioner, and thus it is the clients own body that facilitates as to where and how much of these healing energy waves it chooses to receive.




A typical session lasts from 30 to 60 minutes for a full body treatment.  The client lies fully clothed on a massage table.  As the practitioner’s hands hover close to the body or apply a light gentle touch, the client may experience temperature changes or density changes, such as a heaviness or lightness in areas, or even tingling sensations accompanied with awareness of energy flow.  Most consistently, clients experience a deep sense of peace and relaxation.




EFT is an energetic acupressure technique used to alleviate emotional conflict and physical discomfort.  Since emotions are chemicals released from the hypothalamus of the brain, they can become lodged in the cells of the body.  A negative feeling may increase in intensity every time the thought of an upsetting situation arises, because with each thought the hypothalamus again floods the body with the same specific neurotransmitter which builds up and compounds in the body.  EFT works to release this build up of chemical emotions by seeking and tapping them out of the meridians, which are energy pathways within the body.




The client is seated across from the therapist.  After a dialogue to identify the key emotions to be addressed, the client mirrors the therapist in the protocol of acupressure points around the face and torso while repeating short phrases prompted by the therapist.  Within a few rounds, the client usually notices that the original statement no longer holds the intense emotional charge that it had just minutes before.  The session then progresses into replacing the old released emotions with more positive ones that are tapped in, allowing the client to feel more at peace or motivated toward their goal.

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